Tracy Brislane
Darug and Yorta Yorta
Painting on all media; Photography, video, sound or media work; Ceramics, glass, jewellery or furniture; Merchandise and licensed products; Reproductions of original works on canvas or other materials
Tracy Brislane
Darug and Yorta Yorta
My art comes from a place in my heart and the stories about my life and the obstacles I have had to overcome. My stories have taken me to many places around Australia but my heart is with my family and friends in Yorta Yorta country in Victoria and the Northern Territory where I live. My three children were born in Yorta Yorta country and have a deep connection to the bush and rivers that flow through the land. They are and always will be river people.
My art shares the landscapes I grew up around, the places I have travelled, the journeys I have had with my family, and stories we have shared with women.
I have worked on and off as an artist over the years, taught art in schools, and became a leader of a few remote schools in the Northern Territory. I love listening to women's stories and sharing our dreaming and the contemporary life we live today. I also love listening to our elders speak of the past and share their vast knowledge of the land around us.
I feel a sense of connection to my culture through my art, I identify as Aboriginal, am accepted in community and a proud Aboriginal woman.
Contact details
- NT